Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun Ideas

Ping Pong Fun:

Heads or Tails:

Uno Game:

Piggy Bank:

Nephi's Courage

Read 1 Nephi 3:7 

Idea from
Hot/Cold Hidden Items
This game goes much like the hot/ cold game that is used in finding hidden items. A child goes out into the hall while an item is hidden. When they come back in, everyone begins to sing. The closer the child gets to the item, the louder the singing gets and vice versa.
There are 3 verses to the song. Each verse has a specific theme. The first is about going to get the plates; the second is about building the boat and the third is about choosing the path of obedience. Therefore, these are the items they will search for: 1) The Plates 2) A boat 3) Footsteps (representing obedience as the way to go).
The pictures on the next page may be used or actual objects. The plates could be made by spray painting pieces of cardboard and metal rings and binding them together. A toy boat could be used for verse two and perhaps a shoe to represent verse three. This is a great way to give them lots of repetition without them realizing it. It’s also a fun, upbeat way to depict, “I will go, I will do!”

Movement to the song:

Actions to the song:
The Lord commanded (ASL- "please") Nephi to go and get the plates (hands like a book)
From the wicked Laban (act like Laban laying on ground, (just lean over) inside the city gates.  (hold hands out in front like gates opening)
Laman and Lemuel (hold up one index finger in front and then hold up the other index finger) were both afraid to try. (have both index fingers tremble)
Nephi was courageous. (hands on hips, feet slightly apart, superhero style)
This was his reply:

“I will go; (take a step forward from Nephi stance, punching hand forward in air)
I will do (take a step forward from Nephi stance, punching hand forward in air)
the thing the Lord commands.  (ASL "please")
I know (point to forehead) the Lord provides a way;
he wants me to obey.  (at same time, do a soldier salute and jump, as if jumping to obey)
“I will go; (take a step forward from Nephi stance, punching hand forward in air)
I will do (take a step forward from Nephi stance, punching hand forward in air)
the thing the Lord commands.  (ASL "please")
I know (point to forehead) the Lord provides a way;
he wants me to obey.  (at same time, do a soldier salute and jump, as if jumping to obey)
The Lord commanded (ASL "please") Nephi to go and build a boat.  (make hand motion like water waves)
Nephi’s older brothers (two index fingers out in front) believed it would not float. (plug your nose and lower yourself like sinking, like the dance move)
Laughing and mocking, (put hands over mouth, act like laughing and point) they said he should not try. (wiggle finger like "no-no")
Nephi was courageous. (hands on hips, feet slightly apart, superhero style)
This was his reply:
The Lord gives us commandments (ASL "please") and asks us to obey.   (salute like a soldier and jump)
Sometimes I am tempted to choose another way.   (point in all kinds of directions)
When I’m discouraged, (pretend to rub eyes as if crying) and think I cannot try, 
I will be courageous, (hands on hips, feet slightly apart, superhero style)
and I will reply:

Characters and masks to print:

Wooden Spoon Puppets/Stick puppets:

Mother's Day

Mom's shoes:

Go Gather Moms:

Other Ideas:

Super Mom: