Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus

 I've been searching and searching for an attention getter to teach I'm trying to be like Jesus.. I found it in the book 'Experiments upon the Word' by Susan Luke.  I wanted to focus on really trying to be like Jesus and the scripture Alma 5:14 ...have ye received His image in your countenances? And Genesis 1:26 we learn that we are made in the image of God. The object lesson is to place a piece of paper over a leaf and rub over the leaf with the side of a crayon. (the image of the leaf will transfer to the paper). Show how the leaf and the rubbing are alike. Demonstrate what it means to be in the image of something by doing several rubbings of various items such as flat lace or embossed images. When they are compared, we can see the image of the original in each rubbing. By striving to follow the things Jesus taught: Loving one another, showing kindness in all that we do, being gentle and loving in deed and in thought, we will begin to have His image in our countenances

Attention Getter: GAK 240 (Jesus Christ) and a mirror. She had a child come up and look at the picture and the mirror and tell the things that were similar (two eyes, hair, smile, red shirt, etc…). Our goal is to be like Jesus and Heavenly Father. She asked if we would actually start to look like Jesus as we followed his example.  Scriptures: 3 Nephi 11:6-8, John 13: 34-35, Alma 5:14.  At this point she began teaching the song. She would direct our listening and then sing a line. She would say, "Who am I trying to be like?" and then sing, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." Then she would say, "If you are trying to be like Jesus, too, sing this line with me." "Now listen to what I am doing to be more like Jesus." "I'm following in his ways." "If you are trying to follow in Jesus' ways, too, sing that line with me." Etc… She did this until she got to the line, "But I try to listen as the still small voice whispers," (Her listening prompt for this was, "What is another name for the Holy Ghost?"). She said, "Sing to this point and then listen very carefully and I will whisper what the still small voice says."  Then she had them repeat it in a whisper. She then challenged them to listen to the still small voice during the week and bore her testimony (it only took 30 seconds to bear testimony here) of the Holy Ghost. She said this is as far as she would go on this song in one week. She stressed that we often try to teach too much in one week. Variety: A comparison to a song with a similar message, "Love One Another" (CS 136) Involvement: She had a poster with Christ's picture and a mirror in the middle and pockets around them labeled with letters spelling GENTLE and LOVING. In each pocket there were red and blue cards. Red cards were thought cards and blue cards were deed cards. She had a child come up and draw either a thought or a deed card and read it aloud. She said to be sure to use situations that are familiar to the children or you will loose their attention. For example, you wouldn't use a situation about being cut off by a bad driver with Primary children, you would use a situation about a bully or problems at school, etc… After the child read the situation, before they answered the situation, she had the children sing "Love one another as Jesus loves you…" to the end of the song. Then the child would answer what to do in that situation. After they answered she showed the child the picture of Jesus and had them look into the mirror and praised them that they were becoming more like Jesus because they were making the right choices."  (Idea by Shauna)